Customer Comments & Photos 2
We hope you enjoy these pages.
It is a sprinkling of customer comments & photos
as well as some of our favorite photos over the years.
(best viewed on a desk/laptop computer)

Kramer & Anne never sing,"You ain't nothin' but a hound dog" to their dog, Elvis.

Unique golf training workouts ?!


What do you think, Elvis?
Elvis? ... golf or goof!?

Sharin' some sugar~

Two of our all time favorite client photos.
There is just so much captured in these shots...
~ toes, teapots, books, dog beds, painted nails, dog toys, smudged pants, loving touches and contented dogs.

McGoverns in Alaska

Instructions upon Hurley's arrival:
don't forget to
keep your toys cleaned up..."

THIS, my friends, is what can happen if you don't follow instructions:

The crime scene.
The suspect.

The victim.

Possible motive?

We are pleased to report
Hurley was reformed,
Rachel outgrew dressing up the family's pets.

Goose is the
He loves to snuggle and likes to share my (Kelsey) pillow at night 😂 (crate training fail).

Goose is so calm,
especially for a puppy.
Everyone who meets him is so impressed.

We LOVE Goose’s temperament -
calm when we are hanging around the house, & affectionate
but also has the drive to hunt and retrieve.
Goose is my little shadow
and follows me everywhere.
He is seriously the sweetest dog we’ve ever had.

We love our littles!

Seeing double

Two more all time favorite client photo captures!
Training with Tatum & Charlotte

Check out all the priceless
facial expressions...
A great way to help your children practice their reading skills.
Check which local shelters might welcome this kind of activity.
Gulliver & his gal

Yup. The dogs want to be with us ANYwhere, at ANY time.
After they followed me into this tiny bathroom, I hopped in the tub and took this photo to prove it.