Cromwell, the Frey's "Welly" is making his dad, our "Welly" (Wellington), proud! He wrapped up his dock junior title, and then hit a new personal best and moved up to the senior division - jumping five feet farther Sunday than he did last month!
He also picked up the first two legs of his Rally Novice last Friday, with a 2nd place 99/100 and a 1st place perfect score. 😊

Even better than the placements- how much fun he has, how enjoyable he makes everything, and how great of a companion he is. ❤️ He's the best boy (even if I'm probably biased haha).
CGC: Canine Good Citizen
TKN: Trick Dog Novice (he knows 10 silly pet tricks 😅)
DJ: Dock Junior (he had five qualifying jumps off the dock between 10-15'; he jumped 15.5' last time so next season he'll be jumping at the Senior level.)
FITS: Fit Dog Silver (this one was basically for me; we ran three 5ks together and also ran 2.5 hours a week for 16 total weeks - just the motivation I needed to get back in shape with Ava being a preschooler now!)
RN: Rally Novice
(we have two legs currently and trial again on the 12th to hopefully earn our last leg; we'll be working toward his Rally Advanced title next)
Sept. 2022 "He is such a fantastic puppy. Continues to take everything in stride and does his best to be a Good Boy. I love him to pieces, he's exactly what we needed.

My mom has puppysat for me two times here in the past month and I'm pretty sure she now considers him one of her grandchildren. I think he's the only "granddog" across my entire extended family to have had that honor bestowed upon him, including my other dogs. 😅" The Sibs: then & now
