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Duck hunting with a Tallgrass British lab~

Writer's picture: Robert & Kiply, but mostly KiplyRobert & Kiply, but mostly Kiply

"Sending a few photos of Amos (Smiley Bayou Amos), a really impressive pup from Tallgrass Kennels. He recently turned 4 years old and has been an impressive overall dog. Amos has an extraordinary disposition with people, including children and other dogs.

Amos has been impressive to me and my hunting partners in the duck and goose field. He was chosen from the litter for a larger size in anticipation of goose hunting. He's a lean 80 pounds and a heavy 84 pounds. His parents were considerably smaller as I recall.

As always, the dog's retrieve of waterfowl is one of the highlights of the hunt. This past season, Amos was released to chase a cripple in a flooded rice field. As Amos approached the cripple, it dove below the water surface as expected. However, much to my surprise, Amos stood on his hind legs to get a better view of the cripple swimming / causing turbulence in the 12" of water. Once he got the bearing on the crippled duck, he would take off like a rocket to make the catch. He successfully used this technique multiple times. I've hunted ducks and geese for 30 years and have never seen a retriever use this technique. He's truly an amazing dog with a very keen nose.

Thank you so much for providing such a quality companion." ~ D & J in AR

Tallgrass Kennels black British lab in duck blind

Tallgrass Kennels black British labrador watching for ducks in duck blind.
Tallgrass Kennels black British labrador nose peeking out of duck blind.

Tallgrass Kennels black British lab smiling for the camera.
Tallgrass Kennels black British lab licking his smiling owner!

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May 17, 2023

These are amazing photos! The training these dogs get with Robert is truly phenomenal.


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